Chinese translation

At SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS, we offer Chinese translation on the highest level.

Professional translation to and from Chinese

The world’s most spoken language

China’s official language or standard Chinese is what we in the western countries refer to as Mandarin Chinese. It is one of the world’s oldest languages and the world’s most spoken language. According to unofficial statistics, approx. 1.4 billion people currently speak Chinese, which means that every fifth person on earth speaks the language.


The word Mandarin is Portuguese and originates from Sanskrit (ancient Indian) mantri, meaning minister or counsellor of public affairs, and Europeans use the word Mandarin to describe a distinguished Chinese official as well as the official spoken standard Chinese, which most Chinese people understand.

Spoken Mandarin is not necessarily comprehensible for those who speak Chinese dialects, if they haven’t learned it, but most people can read modern, written standard Chinese (based on Mandarin). (Source: Kina-portal).

Danish export to China is booming

In 2020, Danish export to China increased by nearly 10%. The Chinese purchased Danish goods and services for 61 billion DKK, making China the sixth biggest export market for Denmark. China will continue to gain in importance for Danish export in years to come. The Chinese market is growing more rapidly than our other export markets, and with the growing middle class, new possibilities arise in China. Wealthier consumers will increase the demand for products such as furniture, fashion, energy solutions, interior design and high-quality food. (Source: Dansk Industri).

So, being able to communicate in Chinese makes sense, if you consider exporting to China. In fact, it is the only efficient and safe way to succeed on the Chinese market. Apart from professional Chinese translation, it is further extremely important to know the cultural characteristics that make the written mediation perfect and ensure correct interpretation.

We have professional native Chinese translators, who know the language and the versatile culture inside out and also have broad, professional knowledge.

We can also translate to many other languages. One of the many advantages of using SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS is that we can handle many languages at once. If your company has a job to five, ten or twenty different languages, we are able to coordinate all translations and provide you with a full package.

We translate between many languages. Click here to see all languages.

When you decide to use SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS for your Chinese translations or translations into other languages, you get a dedicated and professional partner with a high level of service and flexibility, and you can rely on us to deliver your translations in the highest quality and on time.

Short response times and fast delivery

Most days, we respond to your request within minutes. We can work very quickly if needed, and we’re always available to talk to, no matter how big or small the translation task. And whether you need us to translate into one or twenty languages at a time.

(+45) 61 68 41 70