Norwegian translation

At SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS, we offer Norwegian translation on the highest level.

Professional translation to and from Norwegian

The Norwegian language has two written forms

The Norwegian language is in many ways similar to Danish. However, if you use a Danish text in Norway, it may look like you haven’t made an effort and your intentions about doing business in Norway may seem unprofessional. Regardless of the industry – tourism, the industrial and food sector or the energy sector – professional translation will often be crucial for success.

For the same reason, the Norwegian translators of SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS in general only translate into their native language in order to ensure the best and most natural result. Our Norwegian translators are literally Norwegian.

Your Norwegian translation is in safe hands with us – because we know what proper communication across borders and cultural differences means. And we are specialised in making it happen!

The Norwegian language situation is unique, since there are two official forms of written Norwegian – Bokmål and Nynorsk. As a Norwegian student, you choose what form to use as your main language form. Today, approx. 90% choose Bokmål and approx. 10% choose Nynorsk.

The background is historical – for 300 years, Norway was part of Denmark, and Danish was the official written language in Norway.  With the independence of Norway from Denmark in the early 1800s, Norway wanted to create an independent Norwegian written language. This was done by means of two competing methods – one method adjusted Danish for it to gradually fuse into a spoken Norwegian language (resulting in the current Bokmål) and the other method created a whole new written language based on the Norwegian dialects (resulting in the current Nynorsk). (Source: Norden i skolen).

We know the Norwegian legislation

Rules and regulations related to product safety and documentation require a lot from manufacturers of for instance technical products, food and cosmetics. It is important to use the correct Norwegian terms on the informative label and ingredient list to avoid product recall. The same applies to Norwegian user manuals for potentially hazardous products. Our Norwegian translators are familiar with these rules and regulations.

Norwegian translation is one of our specialist fields, but it is not the only language, which we offer. One of the many advantages of using SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS is that we can handle many languages at once. If your company has a job to five, ten or twenty different languages, we are able to coordinate all translations and provide you with a full package.

We translate between many languages. Click here to see all languages.

When you decide to use SPROGNET TRANSLATIONS for your Norwegian translations or translations into other languages, you get a dedicated and professional partner with a high level of service and flexibility, and you can rely on us to deliver your translations in the highest quality and on time.

We also offer proofreading of your own Norwegian texts, so they look their best and are accurate.

Short response times and fast delivery

Most days, we respond to your request within minutes. We can work very quickly if needed, and we’re always available to talk to, no matter how big or small the translation task. And whether you need us to translate into one or twenty languages at a time.

(+45) 61 68 41 70